Brand Equity

Brand Equity
Brands represent enormously valuable pieces of legal property, capable of influencing consumer behavior, being bought and sold, and providing the security of sustained future revenues to their owner. 

The value directly or indirectly accrued by these various benefits is often called brand equity (Kapferer, 2005; Keller, 2003)

Brand mewakili secara kuat dari bagian2 berharga atas kepemilikan sesuatu yang sah secara hukum (legal property), kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi perilaku pelanggan, kemampuan untuk dibeli dan terjual, dan kemampuan untuk terus menerus menghasilkan keuntungan di masa depan bagi pemilik brand. Nilai yang
secara langsung maupun tidkak langsung dari benefit suatu merek ini disebut dengan Brand Equity. 

A basic premise of brand equity is that the power of a brand lies in the minds of consumers and what they have experienced and learned about the brand over time. 

Brand equity 
can be thought of as the "added value" endowed to a product in the thoughts, words, and actions of consumers. There are many different ways that this added value can be created for a brand.  Similarly, there are also many different ways the value of a brand can be manifested or exploited to benefit the firm (i.e., in terms of greater revenue and/or lower costs). In simple terms, “brand equity” is a construct that is designed to reflect the real value that a brand name holds for the products and services that it accompanies. 

Brand equity is considered important because brands are believed to be strong influencers of critical business outcomes, such as sales and market share.  For example, Inc. Magazine notes that “branded products invariably command a higher price than so-called "generic" or "store brands"—even when the product is itself a commodity like sugar. In such cases the higher price is due almost entirely to the power of the brand.
Brand equity, like most constructs, has been defined and measured in numerous ways.  It is sometimes understood from the perspective of tangible financial assets of a firm.  However, from a marketing research perspective, brand equity is often viewed conceptually- as a framework for understanding the power of the intellectual and emotional associations consumers have with particular named products and services.  In contrast to the absolute dollar valuations that underscores the direct financial perspective; marketing researchers seek to measure and understand brand equity for strategic positioning and planning. 
Professor Kevin Keller, of Dartmouth College, lists the following seven
benefits of brand equity
1. Be perceived differently and produce different interpretations of product performance (dipersepsikan berbeda dari produk lain);
2. Enjoy greater loyalty and be less vulnerable to competitive marketing actions (pelanggan menjadi loyal dan jarang dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas marketing kompetitor);
3. Command larger margins and have more inelastic responses to price increases and elastic responses to price decreases (menetapkan batasan yang lebih lebar dan memancing respon yang lebih kaku terhadap kenaikan harga dan respon yang luwes terhadap penurunan harga);
4. Receive greater trade cooperation and support (mudah meminta kerjasama dan dukungan dari pihak lain) 5. Increase marketing communication effectiveness (meningkatkan efektivitas aktivitas marketing komunikasi) 6. Yield licensing opportunities (kesempatan untuk mendapatkan  lisensi produk);
7. Support brand extensions (mendukung pelebaran/perluasan merek).

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CTM (Community Trade Mark)
Modeling & Measuring Brand Equity
Brand equity has been defined and measured by experts from both academia as well as for-profit companies. In fact, many research agencies have developed their own brand equity models that are executed in partnership with end-user researchers.  As Professor Kevin Keller, of Dartmouth College, observes “although the details of different approaches to conceptualize brand equity differ, they tend to share a common core: All definitions typically either implicitly or explicitly rely on brand knowledge structures in the minds of consumers- individuals or organizations- as the source or foundation of brand equity.” Opinion researchers define and measure brand equity in terms of the knowledge consumers have of a brand.  To this end, numerous published models and measurements of brand equity are available. 

Notably, measuring brand equity may be only a single piece of a more comprehensive brand research program.  Likewise, an organization’s brand research program may be only a single facet of the larger research and insights program.  Review MRA’s other resources for a better understanding of how a comprehensive research and insights program fits together.
Mengukur  Brand Equity  based on Brand Building Pyramid Block

Customer Based Brand Equity Concepts/CBBE (Keller)

Brand Salience : kepedulian thd Brand, recall and recognize (Brand Awareness) : Depth and Breadth, shg pelanggan memutuskan membeli/memakai 

Bagaimana brand memenuhi kebutuhan fungsional pelanggan (produk/service) : bahan, kualitas produk, harga, service, desain dll. 

Bagaimana brand memenuhi kebutuhan psikologis dan emosional pelanggan (produk/service) : bahan, kualitas produk, harga, service, desain dll
Fokus pada opini personal dan evaluasi dari pelanggan thd brand. Bagaimana pelanggan melihat asosiasi dari brand  performance & Imagery utk membentuk opini: quality, credibility, consideration & superiority.
Respon emosional dan reaksi pelanggan dengan hormat thd brand. Bagaimana brand mempengaruhi perasaan pelanggan  thd diri mereka sendiri  dan hubungannya dgn yg lain. bisa positif dan negatif: warmth, fun, excitement, secirity, social approval, self respect.
Ultimate  relationship &  level of identification. Brand resonance: nature relationships dan bagaimana perasaan pelanggan thd brand : behaviorally loyalty, aattitudinal attachment, some of community, active engagement
Hal yang paling penting untuk membangun Brand  Equity adalah 

Brand Knowledge
Brand Knowledge Structure
DOVE Brand Measurement

Building Strong Brand, Based on CBBE concepts
1. Membangun Brand Identity yang sesuai (proper identity) : WHO ARE YOU?
2. Menciptakan Brand Meaning yang tepat (appropriate Brand Meaning tangible  ataupun intangible) : WHAT ARE YOU?
3. Merangsang / menumbuhkan Brand Response yang positif  of brand identity and brand meaning (positive brand response) : WHAT ABOUT YOU? WHAT DO I THINK or FEEL ABOUT YOU?
4. Membangun / memperbanyak Brand Relationship dengan pelanggan (strong brand relationship with customer) :  WHAT ABOUT YOU AND ME? WHAT KIND OF ASSOCIATION and HOW MUCH OF COONECTION WOULD I LIKE TO HAVE WITH YOU? 
Strategic Brand Management Process
Identify & establish Brand
Positioning & Values
Plan & Implement Brand
Marketing Programs
Measure and interpret
Brand Performance
Grow & Sustain Brand
Mental maps
Competitive frame of reference
Points of parity & points of difference
Core brand values
Brand mantra
Mixing & matching of brand elements
Integrating brand marketing activities
Leverage of secondary associations
Brand value chain
Brand audits
Brand tracking
Brand equity management system
Brand product matrix
Brand portfolio and hierarchies
Brand expansion strategies
Brand reinforcement and revitalization
Implikasi / Efek dari Building Brand  
1. Customer Own Brand (Pelanggan merasa  memiliki Brand , terikat, connected)
2. Don’t Take Short Cut With The Brand (Jangan mengambil jalan pintas untuk membangun Brand, Brand harus dibangun dengan bertahap dan serius)
3. Brand Should Have Duality (Brand harus dibangun dengan  pada kedua sisi piramid : menempel di kepala dan hati pelanggan)
4.  Brand Should Have Richness   (Brand harus kaya mampu memberikan arti/brand meaning sehingga mampu menumbuhkan respon yang positif dari pelanggan). Brand harus memiliki Brand Breadth (duality) dan Brand
Depth (richness)
5. Brand Resonance Provide Important Focus ( Brand Resonance merupakan puncak dari Brand Identity, sehingga aktivitas marketing harus difokuskan pada brand resonance yang diinginkan oleh Perusahaan)
Memilih Brand Elements untuk  membangun Brand Equity  
Kriteria memilih brand elements :

1. Memorability (easily recognized & easily recalled)
2. Meaningfulness (descriptive & persuasive)
3. Likability (fun & interesting, rich visual & verbal imagery, aesthetically pleasing)
4. Transferability (withing & across product categories, across geographic boundaries & cultures)
5. Adaptability (flexible , updateable)
6. Protectability (legally, competitively)
Pilihan dan Taktik untuk Brand Elemen
1. Brand Names
2. URLs (uniform resource locators / domain names)
3. Logos & Symbols
4. Characters (can be person or animal or animated)
5. Slogans
6. Jingles
7. Packaging

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