Quick and Natural Ways to Eliminate Former Acne

Having a clean and attractive face is certainly the hope of every person, especially the women. And as development era, not least the product of the type of drug that can be used to remove acne scars. Then how or tips to Eliminate Former Acne Naturally? Here's a glimpse reviews and information that may be useful to all my friends ...
Some ways or tips Eliminate Former Acne Naturally, among others:

1. Cleaning followed by refreshment. When we are going to bed, rub facial skin with slices of tomato or cucumber. Or a more subtle again shredded cucumber and mixed with a little water. Then the mixture was filtered with a thin cloth. Distillate then we rubbed on the skin of the face with cotton wool until blended. In the morning (wake up), put a small towel into warm water and apply on the face. When finished, enter a different small towel into ice water with the use of the same.

2. Treatment with Cold Pressed Wear. Powder form like lizard eggs, take two eggs and knead with a little water. After that, apply to the face when going to sleep. Meanwhile, if using the powder in the form of flour, take half a teaspoon and then mixed with a little water and apply on face evenly.

3. Clean face. Wash with old coconut water. After drying himself, rinse with clean water.

4. Rinse face with water soaking the rice. Once dry, rinse with clean water.

5. Dissolve the cornflour with water. Spread around the place breakouts.

6. Take a piece of cassava. Peel the skin. Discard the skin. Clean up. Grate. Milch to get water. Brush water on your face milking existing acne scars. Do it every day for a week.

7. Egg whites 1 tablespoon cornstarch + + olive oil. All three, stir evenly. Use as a mask.

8. Mash a few sticks of cinnamon bark and make a powder. Mix with a little water. Brush on acne scars. Resume practicing during the week.

9. Avoid / minimize the consumption of foods containing sugar (sugar), brown (chocolate), and peanut and spicy (chili), oily and fatty foods (beans, chicken, eggs, etc.). Such foods would interfere with blood circulation in the body, so the process detoxitasi can not run smoothly. Keep diligent eating vegetables and fruits. Basil and parsley (parsley) is also believed to be able to treat acne from inside the body. For fruit, apples can consume because it contains antioxidants.

10. Avoid stress. According to many sources I've read, one of the triggers of acne is caused by stress. So if you want to get rid of acne or prevent it from appearing, as much as possible to avoid stress. Enjoy wrote again, enjoy life!

11. Wearing a mask of papaya. Try to make papaya mask to get rid of acne naturally. The trick, mashed ripe papaya (you can add lemon juice), and use for masks. Allow to dry. Then wash with warm water. Better to do before bed. Papaya mask, other than to get rid of acne naturally, also have properties eliminate blackheads and prevent dull face. Actually there are many natural mask compositions that can be used to eliminate acne. For example, the mask tomatoes and cucumbers, tomatoes or cucumbers way, cut into thin, then let sit in the skin about 10-15 minutes.

12. Never squeeze pimples. Rather than cured, but instead can cause black spots and scabs on the face ..

13. Diligent defecate at least 1 time a day. Apart from consuming fatty foods, thoughts, acne also arise from the disposal of non-current. As we know that the dirt / feces that contain waste materials that must be removed from the body. Well, if not perfect then discarded waste materials will accumulate in the body and result in an additional toxins to our body. And toxins that accumulate that became one of the triggers of acne. Bowel so smoothly we could eat fibrous foods and fruits like papaya. Believe me, these tips as I can from my elementary school teacher as a teenager jerawata and have tried many ways to remove acne, but after using these tips acne can be lost.

14. Diligent exercise. Because with exercise, body heat will open the pores and remove droppings. The explanation is this, when we exercise our blood circulation will then smoothly and detoxitasi process will run regularly, so dirty that the blood is in the body can be wasted.

15. Drinking water (mineral water) to taste. If possible, meet the doctors recommended the consumption of mineral water 8 glasses a day. Because according to a reliable source, by exercising and drinking water regularly makes acne appear reluctant. Of course, coupled with point no.1 is doing face and body to maintain cleanliness.

That little bit of info or tips on how to Eliminate Former Acne that you can use. And the way is the natural way without the use of certain drugs. Those who want to try it is welcome. Hopefully this information can be useful and make your acne scars disappear. Hopefully can face as smooth and sweet as Raline Shah (picture above). Advice and insert can be placed in the comments. Thank you .. ^ _ ^
Source: from various sources www.kaskus-lover.blogspot.com

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