Brand Religion

Corporate Religion
• “Brands will become religions and some individuals, who are seen as an expression of their brands, will themselves become religions.” Jesper Kunde Corporate Religion, Prentice Hall, 2000: 6.
• concept of “religion” = problematic taxonomic category 
•  mythologised for business culture. Brand religion.

Jesper Kunde, brand religion adalah capaian tertinggi sebuah merek. Ia adalah “ultimate destination of a brand”. Anda boleh mencapai brand awareness tinggi dan  brand loyalty kuat. Anda juga boleh memiliki brand values dan brand culture yang kokoh. Tapi itu semua belum mencapai kulminasi kalau belum mencapai level brand religion.

Brand religion adalah sebuah posisi dimana merek Anda sudah menjadi semacam “agama” bagi konsumen Anda. Bagi konsumen, merek semacam ini sudah menjadi semacam “kepercayaan”, dimana di atas kepercayaan tersebut terbangun sebuah “ikatan spiritual” antara merek dan si konsumen. 

Dan akhirnya ketika merek telah mencapai level ini, merek tersebut akan mendapatkan “kemewahan” yang tak akan didapat pesaing berupa customer involvement yang amat tinggi, loyalitas, dan fanatisme yang tak akan mungkin tertandingi oleh pesaing. Harley-Davidson, Nike, Virgin, Apple, MTV, Body Shop, atau Disney adalah sangat sedikit merek yang memperoleh kemewahan itu.  Merek-merek tersebut memiliki jutaan pengikut dan evangelist yang siap membela sampai titik darah penghabisan.

The model of Kunde 

Brands differ in their strength. The stronger and more relevant the values that are tied in with the brand, the more involved the consumers will become with the brand and the greater the involvement, the stronger the brand and value for the company. 
Corporate Religion is the vehicle for reaching the ultimate target: Brand Heaven. The model distinguishes 5 types of brands:

1. Product Brand: Products without any form of added value connected to the generic element.
2. Concept Brand: Brands that are driven by emotional values as opposed to product characteristics.
3. Corporate Concept Brand: Brands that merge with the company and present themselves in a sustained and consistent way.
4. Brand Culture Brand: Brands that are so strong that they  in the eyes of the consumer  have become equated with the function they represent.
5. Brand Religion Brand: The ultimate brand position is that of brands that  in the eyes of the consumer have become a 'must', a faith to which they profess.

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